Statement on the Perinatal Mental Healthcare Announcement

“Today the Queensland Labor Government has delivered blunt confirmation to the women and families of Mackay that they will never be a priority under this government!  

Whilst I welcome 30 new mother baby beds across the State to provide specialist perinatal mental healthcare, why are the mothers and families of Mackay missing out? 

The Mackay gynaecological and obstetric review revealed the severe trauma and injuries that the women of Mackay and their families have endured. This Government promised that these women would not be forgotten, they promised to support our hospital staff and promised to fix the system. 

Well, these women have been forgotten. I am still meeting with women and mothers who are still suffering physically and mentally from their experience at the Mackay Hospital and are still waiting for the support promised.  

Mackay deserves to be at the top of the list to receive one of these beds.   

Perhaps the Member for Mackay, who was acting Health Minister during this period can explain why Mackay isn’t receiving any of the 30 new beds.  Why is the Member for Mackay not standing up for the women and families of Mackay who suffered immense trauma and in some cases the death of their babies, whilst under the watch of her government? 

 Labor have shown that Mackay will never be a priority for them and the lives of our women and families will never be a priority.  The women and families of Mackay deserve better.” 


Women’s Safety - Speech to Parliament


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