Farmers Left High and Dry By Water Ban

The Member for Whitsunday, Amanda Camm MP, has called on the Queensland Government to urgently review the bans placed on farmers’ access to water.

“The State Government have imposed an immediate ban on farmers accessing water for rural and irrigation purposes from the O’Connell River, effective today.

“This is causing significant stress and issues for our local agriculture community.  

“Farmers were only given notice one week ago that water from this river would no longer be available.

“Many of them have planted alternative crops including mung bean and soybean, as part of soil management best-practices.

“I have written to the Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing and Minster for Water, to urgently request an audit and review of this ban.

“Farmers have been left high and dry by this Palaszczuk Labor Government. This ban must be overturned immediately.


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