Member for Whitsunday Votes Against Extension of COVID-19 Emergency Powers

The Member for Whitsunday, Amanda Camm MP, has voted against the Queensland Government’s extension of COVID-19 emergency powers. 

 During the debate held in Queensland Parliament on Thursday 31st March, the LNP Opposition moved amendments to the State Government’s proposed extension of powers.  

  “These were reasonable and measured amendments that would have ensured the Queensland Government is transparent and accountable for their decisions.  

 “Before all Members of Parliament could contribute to the Bill, the Queensland Government shut down the debate.  

 “The provisions contained in this Bill are extraordinary. They give an unprecedented power to the Government with little to no oversight. 

“Queenslanders deserve an open and constructive debate.  

“We need to have a commonsense approach to living with COVID-19. We need to be safe, protect the vulnerable and boost our health system.  

“However, there comes a time when we need to return to a normality. Schools have been disrupted, small businesses impacted and people’s livelihoods taken away from them.  

“The Queensland Government’s decision to extend the COVID-19 emergency powers until October 2022 is not in the best interests of our community.  


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